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A lifetime of Science

In 2017, École Polytechnique students once again demonstrated their talent, making novel scientific advances that will transform the world of tomorrow, participating in national and international competitions, and developing their ideas of disruptive technologies. These students are the future Nobel Prize winners, tomorrow’s major corporate leaders, and new innovators.

In the meantime, they are pursuing their education in the many different programs of studies at l’X. There are those in the Bachelor degree program launched last year; others, in the Ingénieur Polytechnicien program, or in one of the 40 Master’s and seven Graduate Degree programs; others in the doctoral program. What all these students have in common is an eagerness to foster progress in our societies by meeting the challenges of today and tomorrow.

In the course of their education, they further their knowledge in scientific disciplines and apply it in experimental frameworks with researchers from the 22 laboratories of École Polytechnique. They also take human science courses, a tradition inherited from the humanist vocation that has informed l’X for 200 years in its effort to forge leaders motivated by public interest. Thus, they create bridges between disciplines and develop their inventiveness.

In addition, students also learn teamwork through the many group projects. Those with ideas for start‑ups benefit from structures to concretize their projects: the incubator, the accelerator and the fab lab. Sports is part of their education as well, and the institution organizes numerous competitions that provide the students with a forum to exhibit their prowess. Finally, they have the opportunity to practice different languages through contacts on campus with the many international students –representing, in fact, 70 nationalites– and to reveal their creativity by joining any of the 200 student associations that corresponds to their aspirations. Students at École polytechnique are readying themselves here and now for their future careers. The programs, designed to meet current business and research needs, prepare them to become experts in all areas of strong growth, such as nanoscience, bio-engineering, big data, artificial intelligence, environmental technologies, cybersecurity, and the internet of things.

It is this diversity that we hoped to illustrate with this publication, through all the programs at l’X and those who embody them: i.e. the students. We invite you to discover these pioneers and the projects they realized in the year 2017 in their studies, sports activities, or participation in associations. More than ever, École Polytechnique continues to evolve at a rapid pace to better prepare its students and thus make possible the scientific, technological and industrial revolutions of the 21st century.

Discover projectsarrow_right_alt

Produce complex molecules faster

The secret of the velocity of the particles

A MOOC to succeed in scientific articles

Apprenticeship training in innovation

Brain training to tackle tinnitus

Autonomous navigation for drones

A space suit to live on Mars

Manage the movements of crowds during demonstrations

Authenticate with WI-FI

Rethinking train maintenance with Data

Tutoring for future scientists

Immersion in a school in Senegal

A hope of french fencing

Bachelor and basketball player

The french comedy in the original, surtitled version

A gap year at Gobelins

One-woman band

Sutainable tires for planes

A glove against hand paralysis

Mixed reality serving body and mind